May 14, 2011

One of my heros

I have recently "officially" added a new blog that I am following to my list, called "Blessed to Be a Blessing". The woman who writes it is one of those unspoken heroines who quietly do amazing things. She is a homeschooling mom with whom I have become friends. She and her family are trying to help a government run orphanage in Ethiopia. She has "adopted" two of the boys there and has visited twice in the last year. The last time she visited, she managed to raise money in one or two days to buy 100 pairs of shoes, socks and underwear for the boys. That story is dividing into five parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5. It is totally amazing and one of many stories which point to the fact that governments can't really help people. Only people can help people.

Currently, she is trying to raise money to get new pillowcases and blankets for roughly 300 boys living there. Her whole family will be traveling with her to go to Ethiopia in a few months. They have been in regular contact with their boys through the magic of Skype.

My next blog, which may not happen for a while, will be all about the wonderful time we had during "Relative Month".

God Bless!

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